Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hot Chocolate On a Stick

I wanted to share with all of you chocolate lovers out there that I had the best hot chocolate I have made at home, called Choc-O-Lait. My mom gave me some for Christmas; she found it at TJ Maxx. Instead of the packets of powdered chocolate you pour into milk, you simply heat up a mug of milk and let the 100% real Belgian chocolate-on-a-stick melt into the milk. It is absolutely decadent! I have the milk chocolate flavor.
The Choc-O-Lait website has several different flavors to chose from such as dark chocolate, coffee chocolate, ginger chocolate, and more. I hope to find these little treasures in the stores more often to help me keep warm this winter.

Hot Chocolate on a Stick!


  1. Great recommendation! I'll try these.

  2. Omg this looks great Em! Welcome to the blog world ha! Can't wait to get more recipies from you seeeester! Xo
